I still don’t have content and Gettysburg was…a bit of a disaster. I was able to convey my project though, but it would have been better if I had content ready to go. Talking to the students from Gettysburg was interesting and I saw a trend that Gettysburg students used WordPress a lot while we used Scalar. I’m wondering how much of our projects were influenced by our predecessors.
Seeing the Gettysburg cohort and their project was much less intimidating than the Lafayette meetup. There was no super coding work or art put into the project, just plain old good research and presentation that I was used to. I really liked the format that WordPress had, but I don’t think I would have had time to redesign my entire content structure.
The presentation is next week, and I really need to get my stuff done. I’m hoping to get it done by Friday in time for the content editing session.