Week 6 Blog Cassie

The trip to Layfette was useful in understanding what I can do next to improve my project. For instance opening with a definition and overview of zoonotic diseases would help the viewer understand the project from the beginning. The layout of my project should include tabs because each disease accompanies a lot of writing and explanation so a guided menu through this would be helpful selection wise. Some people who viewed my project were confused on the missing data. To solve this I should open with a disclosure on the data itself. Adding in timelines of specific diseases in countries or for the more pandemic abled diseases would help with understanding the purpose and importance of the project.

 In terms of presenting it made me realize how much I need to practice on what to focus on when presenting. I found it difficult trying to explain everything in less than 5 minutes. Also people wanted to interact with the maps and see the changes themselves so by setting time aside to allow that would also make the experience better.