Category: Week 6

  • Week 6 Blog

    So the trip to Lafayette was much more informal than I thought it would be. It was really crowded and sometimes hard to hear the people that were talking, but I do like that only one to three people were able to listen to me at once. It would have been more nerve-wracking to have…

  • Week 6 Blog Cassie

    The trip to Layfette was useful in understanding what I can do next to improve my project. For instance opening with a definition and overview of zoonotic diseases would help the viewer understand the project from the beginning. The layout of my project should include tabs because each disease accompanies a lot of writing and…

  • Week 6 post – Lily

    The Digital Scholarship Summer Symposium at Lafayette College was a new experience for me. I had never presented at a symposium before, and I had no idea what it was like. I was nervous when I saw so many people at the event. Their projects were all very interesting to me, and they were very…

  • Week 6 – Realizations from Lafayette (APP)

    To me: I had two big outcomes from the symposium to Lafayette. The first was opening my eyes to the multitude of projects going on and how they were structured. There was a lot of variety in topics and the choice of medium, and all of them were fascinating. One of the most interesting things…

  • Week 6 Blog

    The trip to Lafayette was super helpful despite also being super tiring and having a lot happening in one small room! Being able to explain to a new audience what my project was about helped me realize what kinds of things I need to add and clarify in my project. Having an opening on what…